Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day #7 Definite challenge!

I think it was a Wendy's commercial that said "where's the beef?!" I'm thinking that today! It's Sunday and we have had a pot roast or some awesome meat ever week! NOT today! That's ok, because we are proving to ourselves we can do this. I don't know anyone personally who has ever tried or completed this challenge. 2nd and much more important is the fact that these small sacrifices are helping my health! Pot roast will be there in December, but at least for this month, I'm going to try to stay raw just eating fruits, nuts and vegetables.

This morning I weighed 259.2 lbs. I guess that's nearly half a pound UP. I ate a lot of nuts while watching the Sooner game last night...old habits die hard :) They were raw nuts, but as you can tell, it's possible to eat too many. It's all good. It will be gone tomorrow plus some I'm sure!

Welp, since pot roast was off the menu :) I had some fruit and salad. It was pretty good! I think I'm going sweet for dinner with fruit, granola (dehydrated) and some raw soaked oatmeal. Oh yeah, breakfast was a shake:
This a goofy video, but there's a lot of good stuff on this page!

Verse of the day:
I was listening to our scripture reading today in church and it made me think, "I should post one each day on the raw blog". So here it is:
29-30 Then God said, "I've given you
      every sort of seed-bearing plant on Earth
   And every kind of fruit-bearing tree,
      given them to you for food.
   To all animals and all birds,
      everything that moves and breathes,
   I give whatever grows out of the ground for food."
      And there it was.

 31 God looked over everything he had made;
      it was so good, so very good!
   It was evening, it was morning—
   Day Six.
Genesis 1:29-31 (msg)

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