Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day #17 Last man standing

It's been a busy week with little office time and that's why these posts are short and sweet. I'm sure if you have been following this, you are thankful for the shortness...I tend to be wordy :) I'm still hanging in there. I'm over the hump and have less days left than I've already done. Albeit the hardest days that are yet to come, if I made it past my birthday, I should be able to make it past the rest.

Barb and I got up and did the treadmill for a 1/2 an hour. It felt good to get up and get going! I feel like I'm challenged and ready for a change, but at the same time I feel on top of the world. My hip is still killing me and I'm probably gonna be in a wheelchair within a year or two :) , but other than the hip, I'm USADA grade A...vegan!

If you've ever tried a diet, especially a diet as limited as this diet is, you know it's not easy! One thing I'm learning is it's all in the attitude. If you stay positive and remind yourself of your goals and future pleasures frequently, you will be more able to pass up these short term/short lived pleasures! I'm learning to live a little more disciplined life for perhaps the 1st time in my life.

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