Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5th "not good"

Welp, if I was looking for a challenge...this was my day. In the end I have to say I didn't handle it too well! We traveled from Knott to NRH. We had a good, uneventful trip! We stopped at Subway in Abilene and I ate a 6" chicken teriyaki sub. It was great and I feel good about that. I also had a liter or two of h2o on the way.  When we arrived at Mom and Dad's I ate a couple of plums.  Got in the pool (cold, but not as bad as I thought) for my hip and knee. I really think it did the trick, b/c both feel better! After that I kinda went outta control!

breakfast was a shake full of all kinds of goodness!
Lunch 6" chicken teriyaki
Dinner 2, count them TWO bowls of papa's chili. A piece of green chile cornbread and 4 or 5 handfuls of popcorn!

With my knee still hurting and traveling I decided it best not to work out. I'm hoping to rest the knee til Monday and hit it back STRONG!

This is a rare day that I can learn a lesson from. I can stay down or get back up, dust off and do this! As the title suggest, this can be done, but its a matter of me sticking to my guns, making the most of every opportunity and not giving in! Injury during an effort of weight loss is hard, but it's a small set back. I plan to go 80% to 100% starting tomorrow! I know it will be hard with invites to eat with people, but I really have to swallow my pride and do what is best for me and my health!

God, please give me the strengthen and heal my body!

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