Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day #6 I LOVE Saturdays!!!

I love Saturdays and I'm kinda trying to "redefine" what "loving" means! I was thankful to get up late this morning, but usually Saturday means big breakfast, BIG lunch and even some crazy snacks til around midnight...NOT this Saturday :) I got to sleep in. I came to the office and studied some and then I'll hang with the family most of the rest of the day.

Barb made a crazy shake (click the link for picture and ingredients) this morning. I'm guessing for lunch we are gonna go with, that's RIGHT you guessed, SALAD :). I had an awesome salad last night with Barb's salsa, avocados, orange and lemon squeezed over it and all the greens you can eat! As long as there's a different flavor, that helps me a lot. I'm chugging h2o like no ones business and ironically enough, my body still craves MORE, even after 2 gallons or so! The key to me seems to be variety. Not only for taste buds and seeing this thing through, but more importanly for your health. Different fruits have different vitamins. The same could be said for veggies and even the raw nuts we eat. It's important to get all that good stuff from various sources. You may have noticed that my salads are often pilled deep and wide. That's because I'm trying to get as many greens in it as I can, but also get plenty of other things in there too.

This morning around nearly 10 a.m. when I got up, I weighed 258.8

Education in this whole nutrition thing is the key. I've learned so much from so many different doctors that have info posted through the www! If you really want to know, you don't have to go to college anymore to learn about this stuff. You can just scroll through the pages of the internet and learn a lot! The obvious question is who's telling the truth. I think if it's natural there's no question and in the words of my grandmother, "you're body will tell you!" Here's the link! It's a great source to find a lot of other great sources :) Diabetes is killing our nation, literally and financially. The money spent to "cure" diabetes is more than what we are spending in all our war efforts combine! If that doesn't impress you, nothing will! The reality is that God has made a cure for a man made disease! Education, action and change needs to take place. More than any of the cost,  and other factors, we need to change because of our loved ones! I want to be a better husband and father. I want to see my kids graduate...with their Ph D from college!!! I want to play (be able to move still) with my grandkids. I had awesome grandparents and I want to be one too!

Final Reflections:
Not to be too graffic, but my body had been FLUSHING out all the bad junk. I'm spent a lot of sit down time over the last couple of days if you know what I mean. This is all part of detox and switching to drinking so much h2o. I'm excited that we are seeing this through and I know we haven't made a week yet, but I also know our determination is growing and the results have begun. At the end of this month, I hope to go to a doctor and have all my numbers checked. That will be the true test! Thanks for your prayers on our behalf!

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