By day #3 of the documentary, the people were already starting to see REAL results in their health! DIABETICS were going OFF insulin, cholesterol numbers were dropping and they kept saying they had more energy already.
For me, no real headache yesterday, though there seems to be no hope for my hip. Barb made some great salads which made it really easy to eat good and love it! We have been reading a lot which really helps the whole process. Educating yourself can really be encouraging. I'm interested in finishing out this first week. I'm thinking if I can get past the 1st couple of days, This thing is totally doable. On the 30 day challenge documentary, one lady was ready to drop a few days into it and one guy actually did drop 15 days (half way) into the challenge. If you are reading this now, you know I've gone to public at this point to not make this happen. I have too much pride :) Thanks for all the cheers, encouragement and support. I think this could be a great turning point for the Gary family. Please say a prayer for Barb and I as we are really just getting started!
For me, no real headache yesterday, though there seems to be no hope for my hip. Barb made some great salads which made it really easy to eat good and love it! We have been reading a lot which really helps the whole process. Educating yourself can really be encouraging. I'm interested in finishing out this first week. I'm thinking if I can get past the 1st couple of days, This thing is totally doable. On the 30 day challenge documentary, one lady was ready to drop a few days into it and one guy actually did drop 15 days (half way) into the challenge. If you are reading this now, you know I've gone to public at this point to not make this happen. I have too much pride :) Thanks for all the cheers, encouragement and support. I think this could be a great turning point for the Gary family. Please say a prayer for Barb and I as we are really just getting started!
Barb is finding the diet to be stressful. It's funny how she always starts out struggling and I start off strong, but she is the one with disciple and carries things through to the end...I don't! Much like my mother, I can eat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over (you get the point)! Barb on the other hand likes variety and the funny thing about "going raw" is it requires a TON of preparation to make pretty much anything other than a salad. She's soaking wide rice and working on other recipes. There's a mental hump to get over, but your body quickly lets you know...this is the way you should have been eating all these years!!! Breakfast (pictured below) this morning was a beet, greens, raw honey, carrots, orange and banana smoothie. It tasted pretty good! You would be surprised what tastes sweet when you take away all the white, processed sugar in your diet :) Discovery:
Diabetes is NOT hereditary! It is brought on by the lifestyle and the way we eat. I understand the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but our health and eating have everything to do with that! Now I'm no doctor, but the little bit of research I've done here suggests that most diseases can be turned around or at the very least controlled by the diet we eat. I remember my grandmother (now 86) telling me about having cancer so many years ago. She beat it through supplements! Did you know cancer feeds on carbs and sugar?! I didn't! I hope to share more information with you as I grow and learn more, but the biggest challenge and lesson to be learned here is I need to eat more greens! God made them and they hold great secrets of health within them!!!
shape fit This is no "raw food diet" website, but I think it can be a great encouragement to anyone trying to be more healthy! By the way, I gain no money by writing about this and I'm not "going crazy" or becoming a "tree hugger". I'm still Shawn, just Shawn with a little more discipline and better armed to be healthy. I will NOT do this raw food thing for life, but I have learned that whatever I eat, raw greens should be a part of my everyday life!
5 a.m. I weighed 263.2 lbs. (please click down to see yesterday's's worth the scroll). I agree, there is probably something wrong with my scale, but that's what it said. Sorry to be gross, but I'm not "flushing it all out" yet as some have suggested, so it's not that.
breakfast smoothie! |
This afternoon will be the challenge! We are hosting some missionaries at the building for an elders and families/missionaries and minister and family dinner. It's soup and stew and who knows what all. Though I will eat prior to going, I'm sure we will be asked a LOT of questions. We also have a breakfast tomorrow. That's the down side to this diet, it's not real flexible in the sense that "hey, I'll just eat a little bit" or "I'll make it up tomorrow on the treadmill". It's EVERYTHING RAW! It's all good. I know Barb has struggled some, but she's also not feeling well. Please pray for her strengthening and health! cya tomorrow. msg
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