Friday, November 12, 2010

Day #12 Gaining momentum!!!

I kinda liked the random format (I know you liked the SHORTNESS of it :) of yesterday, so I'm gonna go outside of my "usual" and just write from my head and heart what is going on:

I exercised this morning. I'm trying to do all upper body and then get a half an hour or more on the treadmill. This morning I was able to get that done. Tuesday and Thursday will be core day. For now, Saturday and Sundays are off...just kinda busy! I'm looking forward to December, because most of my school work will be done and then I can focus only on people, sermons and workout. As it is, I'm spinning SEVERAL plates, but God has been good to me with health, strengthen and energy!

The diet is going good. So many people are learning about it and starting to ask. Most ask out of curiousity and to understand why I'm so "stupid" that I would do something like this. Well, three reasons: I started this for my brother. His health was struggling and I love him and didn't want to see that. I know I'm stronger when someone is "with me", so I decided to join him...before he even knew about it :) #2 reason is for my own health. I have had some scares earlier this year and didn't want that to effect my family, my ministry or anyone/thing else! #3 I just wanted to see if I could do it. The older I get, the more I like to challenge myself. Many mocked me for my famous (infamous depending on who you ask :) walk from Salio to Leon, but I did it! I feel proud to say that I walked that far for that long! Call me prideful, but in the end, this is a good thing to be proud health! That's it for today. I will try to fill you in on meals and how life is treating us more tomorrow! The Logan family is coming tomorrow and we are really excited!!!

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